Tuesday, October 23, 2007

October 13, 2007

It's been awhile since I've made a post to my blog. I have been working hard as the Desal project has a very compressed schedule and work can be quite hectic. I have still managed to escape on the weekends and the photos below summarize my sightseeing trip from October 13th. I mostly visited places that I had been to before such as the CBD and the harbor, but was able to see things from a slightly different perspective.

These flowers are outside my apartment

These are wine bottle holders for sale at the street fair in the Rocks

Opera house as seen from the west side of Circular Quay

The harbor bridge was constructed before the invention of welding. Therefore all of the steel shapes had to be riveted. Lots of rivets on this section of the bridge.

This is the Glenmore Hotel - a good spot to have a drink and a meal with spectacular views of the harbor. You can sit inside or enjoy the view from the rooftop.

I took a walk across the harbor brige. You can pay $200 to climb the arch, or you can walk for free on the pedestrian walkway along the main deck. I chose the free walk.

Views from the bridge
Views from the bridge
Views from the bridge. There are dozens of bridges all over the world and United States that are similar to the one here in Sydney, however, this bridge is iconic and is easily recognized by people from all over the world. I suppose this is why I have so many pictures of it.
Sydney harbor as seen from Lavender Bay
Enjoying a flat white at the cafe
This is called a Smart Car. You can get these for free.
Two Sydney icons as seen from Blues Point
Cafe in Lavender Bay
Opera house at sunset
Opera house at sunset
Harbor bridge at sunset
Detail of the Opera house roof
You have to pay $30 to get into this bar. It is minus 5 degrees C, and you can only stay for a little while before they make you leave. They give you a coat to wear. This bar is at Circular Quay.
You can rub the pig's nose for good luck.
The Thai, Malaysian, and Indian food in Sydney is excellent. This happens to be Thai food.

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