Monday, February 4, 2008

4 February 2008

Hello everyone!!  I have hijacked Mike's blog and hope to do a better job of keeping you all up to date about our happenings.  Actually, Mike has been so busy at work that he hasn't been able to spend much time on this and it has been delegated to me.  We arrived back in Sydney on 14 January and have been enjoying the rain and clouds most of the time.  It is however quite a bit warmer than what we would be enduring in Ohio.  And mixed in with the clouds and puddles were some very glorious sunny days!  
Shortly after we arrived  we continued our sight seeing at Royal National Park where Steffi had her first go at cliff diving...actually jumping, but for pint size Steffi, a 10 foot cliff is pretty impressive!

This is the cliff!!  There is a low cliff right behind Steffi's head...that's the one.  We're gonna give the 20 ft cliff a go another day :)!  This is the end of my first blogging lesson as it is quite late here...but I will add many more updates in the coming days as the kids are now in school and I have a bit of time on my hands.
Love to all!
Mike, Stacy, Steffi and Jack

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