Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Weekend

Happy Easter to all! Easter weekend in Australia is a big event. The Friday before and the Monday after are public holidays which means everyone gets busy with traveling and having barbeques. Travelers queued up by the thousands at 5 AM at the airport to catch their flights and petrol prices went up fifteen cents a liter. I rode my board Friday and Saturday and caught some great waves. On Saturday night we went to the fireworks show down by the beach. And then on Sunday one of my coworkers had a barbeque where several families from work enjoyed the day having wine and champagne, an easter egg hunt, and rugby on the beach. Cheers for now!

Boogie boarding

Fireworks at South Cronulla Beach

Fireworks at South Cronulla Beach

Fireworks at South Cronulla Beach

Sunrise in our front yard

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