Saturday, April 26, 2008

Quick Trip Home

We made a quick, 5-day trip from Australia back Columbus, and back to Australia again. We were originally meant to depart Australia for good on April 27th, but are now staying on until the end of July. Because of the extension, we went home to check on the house, swap out the wardrobe, visit family and friends, and arrange from the neighbors to look after things for another three months. We are blessed to have so many wonderful people in our life that we can depend upon - cheers to you all!

I have updated the blog home page with our address if anyone is tempted to send us anything. We have found that it takes about two weeks for mail to make it overseas.

I am also posting a few photos of our trip back to Oz. The trip went quite smoothly - the 14 hour leg from San Francisco was about half full so we were able to luxuriate in the extra space in back. I don't think United made a profit on this flight.

Our ship getting ready for the voyage

Getting ready to board (sorry for it being sideways)

Captain Pilutti at the controls

If you ask hard enough they actually let you fly