Saturday, April 26, 2008

What's the difference between boogie boarding and insanity?

I spent today (Saturday) working hard in the apartment on the desal project while casting longing gazes out the window to the ocean outside. The sun has been shining for the first time all week and the waves were spectacular. I decided to take a break from work and spend a little time riding my board. On the way I saw a guy returning from the beach with a broken board. When I got to the beach I could see why - the waves were 2-4 meters at North Cronulla. I decided to venture on down to South Cronulla and try my luck there as the waves are usually a bit smaller. They were still about 3 meters there so I went out and caught a few. The photos below show the difference between boogie boarding and insanity.

Boogie boarding at Shark Island (Cronulla)

Insanity at Shipstern Bluff (Tasmania)